Pi-Hole and AdGuard Blocking Performance
These are the stats of running an ad-blocker as your primary and secondary DNS.
Based on the resolved domains it appears that the IoT devices have been calling back home a bunch of times. We have a lot of Google devices, Ubiquiti wireless access points in a mesh, and the buch of Mikrotik hAP lite TC devices I pulled from storage for some VLAN experiments and mock testing (before the actual big one arrives, soon!) showed up.
Within my network, I actually also run a 3rd DNS service via AdGuard (on a Raspberry Pi B) before passing the traffic up to Google ( and CloudFlare ( However, it appears that the rPi hung before I was able to grab some stats to show on this post. But, that's alright. It just means that its time to virtualize that piece, as well, since at this current stage of my setup I am no longer using an OpenWRT derivative (where AdGuard is available as a simple package install) and I must needs to get this installed in a Linux container (LXC) in one of my Proxmox VE hypervisors. Stay tuned for that.